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The Beamrider™ laser line marking system has been developed to raise and establish the standards with line marking traditions by introducing 21st Century technology and precision to sports turf line marking procedures.
This new technique will make the procedure required for line marking operations simple and easy to execute for anyone and everyone.

The world’s first accurate laser guided line marker from the largest manufacturer of marking paints.

Line marking has traditionally and typically been a labor consuming, drawn out process involving the use of pegs, string, tape measures and a wheel to wheel line marker. Things are about to change!
A brand new and innovative system for line marking sports fields and other areas is about to be introduced at this years IOG Saltex show. The system, (international patent pending) designed to combine laser technology with digital recognition software, will produce perfectly straight lines time after time and it is thought that this new practice will revolutionize current initial marking and over-marking operations.

The BeamRider line marking system will produce perfectly straight lines irrespective of the operators’ competence or experience as the technology makes fool proof straight lines the norm as wobbles and kinks are impossible to create. The system will also produce perfect right-angled corners allowing all sports pitches to have their rectangular or square markings perfectly formed and therefore fair for each respective sport.

Think of this, you can mark out a 120 metre line in approximately 2 minutes using no string and no need to worry about making a wobble or mistake!

No strings attached
120 metre line in approximately 2 minutes using no string.
Right Angles
The system will also produce perfect right-angled corners allowing all sports pitches to have their rectangular or square markings perfectly formed.
Straight Lines
Make fool proof straight lines the norm as wobbles and kinks are impossible to create.